Written by Alexander Mortakis

mortakis book

Good News about Women & HPV

The book was written to provide answers to the main questions:
• Where do we stand today?
• What do we know about the diseases caused by the Human Papilloma Viruses (HPVs)?
• Are fear and panic justified?
• Are the modern woman and her daughter at risk from HPVs?
• How are HPV-related diseased prevented?
• How are HPV-related diseases diagnosed and treated?

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mortakis book

Intraepithelial Neoplasia

The book deals with the first diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions in the female lower genital tract. Much of the book is a colposcopy atlas with examination photographs. It is also the first reference in the Greek literature of laser and high-frequency current (leep surgery) surgical methods.

mortakis book

HPV infection

The book is a combination of a colposcopic atlas with cases of HPV infection and at the same time refers to the basic knowledge of carcinogenesis by these viruses.

mortakis book

Woman and HPV

This book is written for doctors who are not experts in the field of HPV infection. It is also a patient information guide.